Pakistan's education system

Pakistan's education system

The growth rate of a country can be estimated by its literacy rate. Countries that are developed in the world are generally 100% literate. If viewed in the context of Pakistan, the manifestations of education in Pakistan are presenting a negative situation. Only reasonable educated people, who know how to write and read their own name, can barely reach 70%, even if the literacy figures are extracted after admitting them as literate. According to a UNESCO report presented in 2013, Pakistan was ranked 180th in the list of 221 countries in the world in terms of literacy. Similarly, Pakistan's adult literacy rate was 56.98 in 2014.

In Pakistan, the maintenance of education system, curriculum research, curriculum revision, education investment decisions are the responsibility of the Federal Government's Ministry of Education as well as the provincial government. The system of education we have here is derived from the British system of education. Education is being provided at both the private and public levels. Education is free from elementary education to matriculation. Academic activities, educational resources, educational materials, teaching and learning aids provided in the classroom and outside the classroom, teaching methods, teaching systems, purpose education, principles education, educational policies, necessary rules and regulations, funding Determine, budget, establish educational boards at the national and provincial as well as urban level, establish textbook boards, organize and revise books, determine school facilities, teaching and clerical staff, allocate compensation and facilities. Other arrangements are part of the education system.

Institutions that are directly or indirectly associated with the system of education include federal and provincial ministries, regulatory regulatory bodies, test boards, textbook boards, finance, etc. The table below shows the statistics of educational institutions in Pakistan.۔

Elementary level consists of 1st to 5th grade, middle to sixth to eighth grade, secondary to ninth and tenth grade education, eleventh and twelfth grade education to upper secondary level. The secondary board or the Board of Intermediate administers the examinations at the secondary and upper secondary levels. This is followed by a thirteenth and fourteenth grade education at the degree level, which the university conducts examinations. To get a masters degree, university education is offered, after the masters and M.Phil and PhD degrees are also issued by the university.

Talking about the turmoil in education in Pakistan, it seems that Awa has only gotten worse. Neither the government nor the people feel their responsibility or feel their loss in this regard. Investing in education is what distinguishes the world from the nations, whereas in our country, the nominal budget for education is allocated. For example, low literacy, poor education system, low enrollment of educational institutions while increasing rate of Turkish madrassas, lack of education in the public sector, lack of educated teachers, poverty, law and order situation. Currently, there are a number of interconnected issues that hinder our educational development, including the lack of education equality, the lack of a standardized curriculum, the division of the religious and worldly education into two factions.

There is a need to reform the educational system on a wider scale. There are often suggestions in social media, news and news outlets for reform of the education system, but all of them are difficult to know when and in what areas of education the correction is to be used. It is imperative that every sector be reformed.

There is a need to adopt a balanced approach to traditional and informal education. Most of the teaching assets of Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa need to be disposed of by landlords and elders, and new madrassas and training institutions established there. The government should also focus on vocational and technical training so that skilled and skilled youth are born. Establish special policy units that formulate plans to improve the quality of education day and night. Special assistance should be given to the provinces which are suffering from education. If all these factors are taken into account then the educational rate will increase substantially and positive results will come.

Finally, Pakistan is committed to strengthening its education and promoting its education. Policies are being developed to increase the literacy rate, increase the number of schools, increase school facilities, provide training and technical education opportunities. There are basically two goals of the government at the moment: first, the pursuit of education in primary schools and the availability of all facilities; Get up and come on the field. The purpose of the EFA (ie Education for All) is to facilitate access to education in every corner of the country. Pakistan is also working on a number of projects that will improve education and increase the literacy rate and increase the number of people who are progressively developing the country thus strengthening national development. ۔


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