What is a Lecture? Lectures: Definitions and Types.

What is a Lecture?
 Lectures: Definitions and Types.

Lectures (meaning - "read" in Latin) began as a way of transmission from a teacher's students born in those days, when only philosophy began to emerge. In the middle of the first century, in many developed countries (China, India, Greece, European countries) a teacher lectured many people at the same time.

Books were extremely expensive and rare in those days, as the lecturer's work became a reference to the work of public reading or memory scientists.

Today, almost everyone knows that such a lecture, because the meaning and content of the procedure has not changed. Secondary and high school teachers constantly enjoy improving its benefits and incorporating their own practices.

Meaning and application: What is a lecture

Delving into the meaning of the term, it can be said that this way of presenting information, which is a thin logical structure, should approach systematically and in depth from the point of view and clearly shows that the condition.

The key component of most training programs - a lecture. The purpose is to:

  • Demo of the most important information on a given topic.
  • Course help in the development of basic issues.
  • Simplifying the process of mastering scientific knowledge methods.
  • Popular of the latest breakthroughs of modern scientific thinking.

Functions Lectures.
Car, organizational, informative: After studying the data set out above, it is possible to list the key features of the lecture. Sometimes this way of learning is available, for example, if there becomes a textbook and booklet and booklet. This is often done in schools in the area and in the development of new educational programs.

In this case, a lecture - it is a conceptual tool of a specific area of ​​science or knowledge, as well as a means to open its problems. The essence of this topic is to give a complete picture of what it is, and to be able to show how it interacts with other sciences. Lectures is a basic framework for the use of other types of educational activities, such as a workshop, laboratory and practical classes, coursework and a thesis project, consultation, test, test.

Advantages of the procedure
Without a comprehensive and objective study it is impossible to make a fair idea of ​​what lectures are. Like any other faculty reception, it's pros and cons. Consider the key benefits:

1. The responsibility of this lecturer is to plan and control a class move. This means that the learning process is a clear system, and that deviations from the schedule can be eliminated immediately.

2. A great way to transfer information at a time. As such, there is a fairly large audience coverage.
Using such a system can significantly reduce the cost of educational institutions per student. This is due to the speed and ease of the teaching process.
Errors of the information system lecture presentation
Choosing lectures as a way of transmitting basic knowledge to students, the administration of the institution should be aware that they have certain characteristics.

3. The learning process was of such a high quality that a lecturer had not only the necessary information and experience, but also the ability to teach. Catch popular advice among many boring and student stories about lengthy lectures. Needless to say, monotonous sound is imposed without data intonation, hardly pitch? This problem effectively solves teacher training oratorical skills.

Another feature is what is left in the lecture theory: in fact it is a monologue. The maximum communication between lecturer and student is to answer the questions posed by the students. However, as a rule, the initiative rarely comes from the audience. As a result, one can observe low involvement of students, lack of activity and high levels of information integration.

Lecture Types: Feature Introduction Lectures
Several major types of lectures are tailored to the objectives, objectives and styles:

  • Introduction.
  • Information.
  • Issue.
  • Serioustion
  • Imaging
  • Binary.
  • Conference.
  • Consultation.

An introductory lecture is given, to give the first idea of ​​the structure of a school topic. Because of this, students can find their way into the system for future work. The lecturer's work becomes familiar to students with the main purpose and objectives of the course. He tells about his role and place in the discipline system.

Students receive an overview of future courses, learn about the milestones of science and practice development, as well as the major breakthroughs that have been achieved, and that of scientists when it was done. In addition, introductory lectures include presentation of intelligent areas of research.

In addition, the lecturer explained to students what these lectures and other organizational forms of the educational process meant. He explains when and in what form what literature he should be using for taking reports.

Serious sensations, information and other lectures.
Lecture information call such events, the purpose of which is to inform students about any topic. In general or in more detailed terms the lecturers and students explain the scientific information that they must understand and memorize. Often during these activities, each student holding lecture notes, which briefly captures the most important moments of performance. It should be noted that these are a traditional type of information lecture.
Review Lecture intends to streamline scientific knowledge to a higher level. In this case, it becomes a feature of large numbers involved in making sense of the association, information. Usually survey lectures do not provide more specific and detailed, they are designed to inflate intrasubject and interdisciplinary knowledge connections.

Events called lecturer material are made using visual means of delivering lecture imaging or video lectures. The teacher's job becomes a timely commentary demonstrating clips, photos or slides. This method of presenting educational materials used in the practice of many educational institutions that provide humanitarian or technical education.

Binary - An interesting variety of lectures in which students offer one-on-one dialogue between two teachers. Generally, each of them represents a separate scientific school or defended a particular opinion on the topic under consideration.

Conference Lecture: This is and how it is different from other types.

When the event takes the form of a scientific and practical class, that is, a problem not already encountered and reporting system, it is called a lecture conference.

Such a lecture consists of statements, rigorous logical structure (entry, important part, output). They are trained in advance based on the jobs provided by the teacher. The result of all speeches becomes the full coverage of the problem. The lecturer's role is minimal to formulate conclusions and freely summarizes texts. In addition, it completes and clarifies current information.

Lectures, consulting specifications
There are several scenarios for this type of lecture:

1. In the first case the event structure scheme - "- answer question". During the allotted time period for the class, the teacher answers student questions (related to a particular section or the entire course).

2. The second option is schematically, the label can be displayed as a "- Answer / Discussion Question". This strange combination of three elements: the speaker raises a number of new material presented problems and conducts a discussion for answers. As there are important differences from lectures and training seminars, do not confuse this type of information with others.

Composition and parts of classical lectures.

Introduction, lecturer performance consists of several parts: introduction, key content and conclusion.

The introduction is designed to establish the communication of the topic that has already been studied. Here seemed goals and performance goals, and this is a plan. Sometimes this section shows a list of sources used in the preparation, but more often it is left to conclude. The introduction does not take more than 5-8 minutes.

The second part (the main content) is the most important and meaningful step lecture. Here, the teacher provides value judgments, presenting different points of view, reflects key ideas and case theory.

The information provided from the last section of each lecture is given to generalize and draw conclusions. Then it presented the next lecture material, and provided guidance for students' freelance work.
